One of my favorite Bible verses when I was in my late teens, early twenties was Philippians 1:6. "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." That verse brought me such peace through a time in my life filled with such turmoil. I wonder if Paul knew when he wrote those words that it would have had such an impact thousands of years later. I kept hearing teachings about how God had a plan for our lives. But, I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how in the world God could use me. And, when I would become really discouraged, wondering what value my life had, if any, I would hear that verse. It would be used in sermons, notes from friends, songs, it was popping up everywhere. Could this be true? First, did God really begin a good work in me? Second, am I worth it to Him to complete that work? I just knew that I wasn't.
And I am so glad that God didn't take my word for it. It took me a long time to understand that my value has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him. Even now, almost 20 years later, it can still be a struggle some days. But, it's true. Our value has nothing to do with us. We're extremely valuable because of Him and what He did for each and every one of us. God does love us, more than any amount of descriptive words I could ever come up with. And He does have an amazing plan for our lives. Sometimes, I think I'm so hindered by looking back where I've fallen instead of keeping my eyes on where He is leading. And, I fall so much. But there is still hope for me, yet! He's up to something, make no mistake about it!
Maybe you can relate. Please don't be hard on yourself. My prayer for you is that you will let Him help you stay focused on Him. He does have some pretty amazing things planned for you and he's not finished with you yet! Brandon Heath has a new song, you've started hearing on Family Friendly Radio, called "Wait and See." It's a great reminder that God is not done with us, yet. I love these lines from the song;
There is hope for me yet because God won’t forget, all the plans he’s made for me
I have to wait and see, he’s not finished with me yet. He’s not finished with me yet
I hope this encourages you. God is not ashamed of you and you don't have to hide from Him. If you need to repent, please do so. Then, trust Him with all your heart! He truly does have something amazing planned for you! If I can be praying for you, please don't hesitate to drop me a line at
Joe Buchanan serves New Life Media as Network Music Director.
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