Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Can I Really Forgive Them?

"But, if you only knew what they did to me!"  That was my excuse for a long time.  But, I truly believe that forgiveness is a key ingredient to healing.  And, without forgiveness, we simply can't complete the healing process.

When I was 18, God moved on my heart to forgive those that had hurt me while I was growing up.  I didn't want to.  In fact, I fought God over it for the better part of a year!  I couldn't believe that God was even asking this of me.  He knew what they did.  I didn't want to let them off the hook.  I wanted them to pay for what they had done to me.  But God continued to work gently and eventually brought me to a place where I was willing to be obedient.  

So, yes, one by one, I went and forgave those people who had brought such pain into my life.  And, the most extraordinary thing happened.  I thought I was letting them off the hook.  But, really, it was me that I was setting free.  Through that process God was able to bring amazing healing into my life.  And I honestly believe that I wouldn't be healthy today, if not for that decision to follow HIS leading.  

As you read this blog post, is God is gently tugging, or not so gently ;), at your heart?  If so,  Trust HIM.  He'll guide you each step of the way.  Forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean you have to have contact with the person or people who hurt you.  Simply, forgiveness is to release your right to demand compensation.  Webster says it this way;

            1a.  to give up resentment of or claim to requital for
                          b.  to grant relief from payment of
                 2.  to cease to feel resentment against (an offender)

Matthew West has this stunning new song called "Forgiveness."  It was written about a remarkable mother of a daughter who was killed by a drunk driver.  Her story is unbelievable and so inspiring.

If you think you could never forgive, check this out;

If I can be praying for you, please don't hesitate to let me know;

Joe Buchanan serves New Life Media as Network Music Director.   We work very hard to honor God thorugh serving you.  Your input is very important to us and decisions are made regularly, based on the opinions of our listeners.  To assure that your opinion is being heard, please join our Music Advisory Panel today.  Click on the link to your station for direct link.  Thanks!
Music Advisory Panel:  WBGL   WCIC   WIBI

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