Friday, February 19, 2010

Your Hands...

Looking back over my life, there have been so many times when I was sure God couldn't hear my cries for help. Have you ever been there? When it seems like time and time your prayer goes unanswered, seemingly unheard. Trouble that you may or may not have brought on yourself and how hard you've wished it wasn't there. Pain so deep that it overshadows the good things in your life. And, the loneliness. It can cut so deep.

For me, that's the most difficult part of walking through challenging and tough times. The loneliness. Feeling all alone causes us to isolate ourselves. Then, the challenge or problem can seem so big. Much larger than it actually is. And, the more that I isolate myself, the harder it becomes to reach out for help. The more my prayers seem to go unheard, the more likely I am to stop praying.

That's the exact opposite of what I should be doing. God has taught me so much through the pain in my life. And, although I still have so far to go and so much to lean, I'm in a better place than I was even a year ago. I can take no credit for that. It's all Him. One of the areas He has challenged me to grow is trust. Leaning not on my own understanding, but fully trusting Him. I would love to say, with all the time He's invested in me, that I've finally mastered it. But, a statement like that couldn't be further from the truth. Actually, the more I learn the more aware I am of how much I need to learn. I'm so grateful for His patience with me.

A new song I'm really excited about is called, "Your Hands" by new artist, JJ Heller. I love the way she starts out the song, "I have unanswered prayers. I have trouble I wish wasn't there. I have asked a thousand ways that you would take my pain away." She goes on to say, "When my world is shaking, Heaven stands. When my heart is breaking, I never leave Your hands"

He's got us, securely placed in the palm of His hand. No matter the circumstance that you find yourself in today, God is there with you. He's holding you each and every step of the way. He has promised to never let you go. He sees every tear. He feels ever hurt. He knows every fear and although you may feel all alone, you've never truly been. And, He understands that, too.

If you find yourself in a tough stretch, can I stand with you in prayer? First, there is power in prayer, but also knowing someone is praying for you can help take the edge off the loneliness. You can be as specific or vague as you want, but if I can be praying for you, please don't hesitate to let me know -

Joe Buchanan serves New Life Media as Network Music,WIBI & WCIC)
We work very hard to honor God through serving you. Your input is very important to us and decisions are made regularly, based on the opinions you have. To assure that your opinion is being heard, please join our Music Advisory Panel today. Click on your station for a direct link. Thanks!
Music Advisory Panel: WBGL WCIC WIBI

Friday, February 5, 2010

I want to hear "Chorus Of the Colts!"

So, I got this email from a listener this week. It was all in good fun. She thought it was out of line for our station, being a midwest station, to play a song like "Chorus Of the Saints" by Revive. After all, living in the midwest, we should be pulling for the Colts on Sunday, right?

Well, whatever team you're pulling for, you probably want me aligning with the other team. For whatever reason, this year it seems like I can't pick a winning team no matter how hard I try. Even in games I don't care that much about, if I start to pull toward one team, that team will start to self destruct, right before my eyes. In games where "my" team is picked and should win by plenty, they still find away to end up on the losing end. So, even now, I'm still not sure which team I'll pull for. Sure, I know which team I would like to win. So, maybe I'll experiment and pull for the other team on Sunday. Yea, I kind of like that idea. After all, we all know the outcome of that game is completely based on which team I pull for. Not! No matter the outcome or however you chose to spend Superbowl Sunday, I hope that it is a good day packed with terrific moments that create wonderful memories.

Getting back to the chorus of the Saints. No, not the football team. The song from Revive. Have you had a chance to really listen to the lyric in this song? The words are quite amazing, actually! I think there are so many times when we feel like we're down for
the count. Our circumstances can seem so impossible. The hill is just too hard to climb. We become confused by the doubt and suffering and we lose our way.

But, there is hope! All we have to do is "Open our eyes and see the beauty of our God who has never left our side!" I love that line in the song. We've all heard those around us say things like, "When I see it, I'll believe it." But, maybe it should be the other way around. "When I believe it, I'll see it." That's why He calls it faith, right? Believing without seeing.

I get into such trouble when I get that backwards. When I start leaning on my own understanding. God wants me to do the opposite. Lean not on my own understanding, but to trust Him. And, when I misplace the trust I should only place in Him, it can get so scary so fast. But, as He helps me open my eyes to, again, see that He has never left my side, I can begin to sing once again, "Hallelujah! Our God Is Faithful!" If you haven't heard Revive's "Chorus Of the Saints" you can click this link to hear it now;
You can also hear it on Family Friendly radio. (WBGL,WIBI & WCIC)

If I can be praying for you as you seek to deepen your relationship with the one who created you, please don't hesitate to let me know -

Joe Buchanan serves New Life Media as Network Music,WIBI & WCIC)
We work very hard to honor God through serving you. Your input is very important to us and decisions are made regularly, based on the opinions you have. To assure that your opinion is being heard, please join our Music Advisory Panel today. Click on your station for a direct link. Thanks!
Music Advisory Panel: WBGL WCIC WIBI